Min. Faye Olshan
In the year of 2010, Minister Faye Olshan was delivered by God from a "Coma, in which the doctors gave up on her recovery. Though God’s mercy she is alive and well, today. However, it was then that Minister Faye realized that God truly was her only source. Since that time, Minster Faye has become a warrior in Kingdom building with sincerity, humbleness and devotion of heart unto God. Minister Faye believes in the power of prayer and is a prayer warrior and intercessor. Her mission from God is to bring souls to Christ, which she accepts wholeheartedly. Minister Faye has been a member of Second Sweet Home Baptist Church since 2013.She in devoted to the ministry and the leadership of her pastors.
Minister Faye was born in Brooklyn, New York and is the oldest of 11 children. She is supported and encourage in the ministry by her husband and friend Michael Olshan.
God has blessed Minister Faye with many talents and gifts. She is the CEO and owner of Olshan Gospel Records, and in 2013 recorded the Album “Roads Leading to Heaven".
Minister Faye graduated June 2015 from Baker College with a Bachelor’s Degree of Health Service Administration. There Minister Faye was a Baker College Student Council Member and worker in the Baker College Learning Support Services, tutoring and supporting other college students. Minister Faye strives to use all talents and gifts for the building of God's kingdom. For she understands that “Only what you do for Christ will last”.