Our Beliefs
Our Philosophy - 4Rs
We attempt to embody the four principles of our Ministry Model in everything that we do. Our Ministry Model captures the essentials of someone who is committed to following Jesus Christ. It is the commitment to this lifelong process that is solidified in membership. To our members, following this Ministry Model has become their way of life in keeping with the teachings of the scriptures.
Redeeming Souls: Titus 2:11-15
Seeking opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost, with courage, love and an uncompromising truth that leads to eternal life and transforms lives.
Rebuilding Lives: Psalms 103:1-13
Establishing a system where we are connecting Christians to life- changing experiences, exposing them to truth of the word and to other godly believers in order that they become healthy, mature believers participating in all 7Gs (giving, going, growing, gifts, groups, God and grace).
Reproducing Leaders: Matthew 28:19-20
Raising up a generation of leaders within the Ministry that is passionately pursuing Christ, operating in their gifts, and passionately influencing and developing others to do the same.
Reshaping Communities: Isaiah 58:11-13
Creating experiences and opportunities to reach out to the community’s at large with acts of compassion-while boldly sharing the love of god with them; we seek to create an environment friendly to those who are seeking the truth and welcoming those who are unfamiliar with the traditions and norms of church life.